El Callejón Secreto (Madrid)

  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-5 players
  • Theme: Police
  • Difficulty: Medium/Hard
  • Recommendation: Playable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: December 2019 (2 players)

Lagging behind, accomplishing the minimum

The responsible for several explosions in the city has been arrested but confessed that one more bomb will explode within one hour. Your mission is to stop it.

A simple premise, like the game itself. A classic introduction, in the hall, explaining what an escape room is, the rules and the brief plot, correct but with no passion. A very, very basic decoration. Games with very classical or little original mechanics, even though of medium-hard difficulty (little intuitive, but logical), which kept us more or less entertained. However, the game is no more than that: there is no atmosphere, no immersive elements. Out of tune to be opened in 2019. We got the impression that the game had been built in a short time, accomplishing only the minimum, to get onboard the escape rooms bandwagon. When we played it (recently opened), one of the two owners, who was our game master, told us that he had not played any escape room yet. Anyway, we must say that he managed our game well, properly intervening only once.

The price is comparable to other higher-category escape rooms. At least they don’t admit more players than the game is actually prepared for.

Despite lagging behind, it accomplishes the minimum, so it can be a decent option to improvise a meeting with friends: one of those rooms that provide the minimum and the company makes the rest.