Trap Milano (Milan, Italia)

  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Capacity: 3-6 players
  • Theme: Mystery
  • Difficulty: Medium/Hard
  • Recommendation: Highly Recommendable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: December 2018 (3 players)

It will bring you to a reality wrapped in mystery

La Casa nel Bosco is the second part of another game by Trap Milano (La Tomba), two adventures in which, as private detectives, you will follow the clues of some mysterious disappearances.

You will never have imagined that all hints would take you to a forest, in the middle of the night. It keeps raining, in a place forgotten by the world. Suddenly, without having time to realize from where your mate shout is coming from, you are knocked out. You got up hours later with a strong headache… among the trees you think to glimpse a weak light… a lantern illuminating a house in the woods…

An intriguing plot and a beginning up to scratch (even if we think that the introduction to the game could be more immersive) will bring you to a reality wrapped in mystery. You’ll have to unveil secrets, through entertaining and well integrated riddles, surrounded by an atmosphere caring all details.

We missed something in the final part to make the game even more complete. Still, it is the best escape room we played in Milan so far. A highly recommendable visit if you are around in the fashion capital.