Lost SG (Singapore)

  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-12 players
  • Theme: Mystery
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Recommendation: Skippable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: September 2017 (3 players)

Bad approach and bad game

We selected the brand for being the most recommended one in Singapore. We chose this one of its five games because it was, among the best rated, the most difficult one.

The game admits up to 12 players. If you book for less than 7, other players can book the same session and will be joined together with you, up to 12 people. You can pay for 7 players even if you are less, so you won’t have to play together with strangers. Since we went in the morning of a weekday, no one else booked our session and we could play the 3 of us alone.

After a very brief introduction, we were given 2 flashlights and started the game. Everywhere was practically dark, so the one without a flashlight couldn’t do anything. We interchanged the roles, so everyone could feel the frustration. After the game, we asked whether they generally give more flashlights for bigger groups. Surprisingly, the answer was “No, only 2”. Maybe, since English is not our mother tongue, we misunderstood: “For groups of 12 people, only 2 flashlights?”, “Yes, only 2 flashlights”.

The rooms, 4 in total, were small. With 1-2 little pieces of furniture per room, most of the decoration was just adhesive wall paper. Despite the minimalism, we never had the sensation of amplitude, rather the opposite. And we were only 3 people. In other sessions, they lock 12 people inside…

Only 1-3 puzzles per room, most of them technologic. Easy ones, most of them tedious. The main one was an easy-logic game where a simple and repetitive task had to be done, taking at least 5 minutes; and due to the lack of light and the ambiguity of the objects it was easy to get it wrong, having to start over again. We needed several attempts. In spite of our competitive spirit, we got tremendously bored.

For one of us it was the first escape room experience. Since then we didn’t get to go with him to any other game.

Our recommendation: if you go to Singapore, spend your time and money in anything else.