Overtime (Pamplona)

  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-5 players
  • Theme: Special forces
  • Difficulty: Medium/Hard
  • Recommendation: Unmissable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: February 2019 (3 players)

Tons of tension

In Spanish there is a proverb saying: “Quien roba a un ladrón, tiene cien años de perdón”, meaning “Anybody who robs a thief has one hundred years of forgiveness”. Raúl Menéndez keeps the maps of a bomb location hidden in a bank on Shadow Island. As a Ghost agent (inspired by the special forces group of the video game Call of Duty: Ghosts), your mission will be infiltrating the bank, stealing the plans, and robbing all his money on your way. In less than 60 minutes.

It won’t be easy. You will find original puzzles on the way and an atmosphere very, very well achieved. Precisely, this is a perfect example of how the atmosphere is not only decoration, making an excellent use of the music and other effects to get the tension increasing during the whole game. It is worth mentioning the flawless work of the game masters (all of them), thanks to which they received an important award.

With no doubt, an unmissable escape room.

UPDATE: This room has been renovated (see 101 Años de Perdón).