Torrenigma (Torre del Mar, Málaga)

  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-6 players
  • Theme: Mystery
  • Difficulty: Medium/Hard
  • Recommendation: Highly Recommendable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: July 2018 (2 players)

An hidden gem in Málaga

Asking game masters about good rooms in Málaga, all of them (all of them!) referred us to Torrenigma. “It’s in Torre del Mar, 35 minutes from here, but it’s really worth going”. They were completely right!

Right after the game, our first reaction was asking the owner: “Well… Torre del Mar is a 20.000 population town, 35 Km from Málaga, being the only escape room in many kilometers around. This, plus the little escape room culture and the little development of the sector in Andalucía, makes you don’t have effective competence, and your clients are occasional players with little or null experience that are hardly able to compare or appreciate a good room. Then, why? Why so much investment of work, so much care of every detail?”. His answer: “I am an enthusiastic, I like this a lot. This is my escape room. And I wanted to do it right”.

The story begins when you get caught by a storm while walking through the forest. Fortunately, you find a mansion in the middle of the woods, the door is half-open and there is a weak light inside… It’s not an horror escape room, but it does have a touch mystery.

It’s a game created with care: a good story where the player becomes protagonist, well integrated and varied puzzles (despite being a classical escape room), and a very complete decoration with interesting details. Actually, we do recommend to ask the game master about game and decoration after playing: they have true treasures and intriguing Easter eggs in there.

You can choose between “normal” and “hard” modes. The room has an interesting score system where the remaining time, some mini-missions and the choice of the “hard” mode will add up points. It also has a nice hint system in which you need to accomplish some goals to be able to ask for a hint; and the hint won’t be for free.

El Amuleto Arcano is a game designed with a lot of care, and that’s so noticeable! An hidden gem, only 35 minutes from Málaga.