Cubick (Madrid)

  • Time: 80 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-7 players
  • Theme: Job interview
  • Difficulty: Medium/Hard
  • Recommendation: LEGENDARY

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: February 2018 (5 players)

One of the best experiences in an escape room… and in life!

From Mataró, exported to Madrid (improved version), Valencia and Menorca. Its fame, built up from mouth to mouth by extremely satisfied players, speaks for itself. It was for as, and for many other players, the first escape room to immerse us to the deepest of a game, to make us completely forget about the outer world during every single second we spend there, to give us sensations so intense that we truly felt living that story in first person. The game that broke the limits and showed us the true potential of an escape room. The one that awakened our craving for this. The one that made us start travelling out of Madrid for more deeply immersive experiences like this.

Deserved, important award to the best game master in 2018 and 2019. In order to fully enjoy the game, we recommend that at least one member of the team played before and has an idea of what an escape room is.

Little more to say. In the apartments advertising you read: “Better to see it”. This is not an advertising. And we write: “Better to experience it”.