Locktopus (Madrid)

  • Time: 85 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-6 players
  • Theme: Action
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Recommendation: Unmissable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: December 2020 (2 players)

The good feeling of a new suit

To tell the truth, when we went to the tailor shop in Batalla del Salado street, we would have never imagined what we were about to experience.

This is one of those tailor shops you better don’t want to know what is going on inside before arriving at (for the deductive smart-ass whose brain is already rambling: it is not a horror escape room). A very complete and dynamic game, with a very well accomplished atmosphere, where puzzles stand out for being assorted, fun, and excellently integrated.

High quality guaranteed. Better go and try on the suit by yourself.