Sexto Sentido Escape Room (Las Rozas, Madrid)

  • Time: 70 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-6 players
  • Theme: Mystery
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Recommendation: Recommendable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: August 2020 (2 players)

Mad Mansion offers half than usual

You belong to a tactical team of threats removal. The recognition agent is missing in action, his last transmission referred to a kind of female vampire and said: “This being is not from this world”. We haven’t heard about him since then. Immediately contact the person in charge of the apartments, investigate his disappearance and, of course, finish that being off. Be very careful! We are not sure whether it is a vampire.

Those who haven’t played any game by Mad Mansion, at least have heard about them… Its renown has been deservedly earned. We went to Apartamentos Riverblood with a lot of curiosity about the first game of the “Mad Mansion Classic” new line. Our curiosity was satisfied and we had fun during the game, but we must admit that we expected more.

What should you not expect from this game?

  • The plot is neither deep nor solid.
  • The decoration is very nice (except for a couple of disharmonious elements), but we missed a more ambitious global atmosphere. We were surprised about elements with a big potential not being used at all.
  • We missed moments to remember. The game went on fluently, but flatly.

What should you expect from this game?

  • Harmonized, fun and well connected puzzles.
  • The game correctly flows.
  • Direct introduction to the game, a good habit that is scarce in Madrid.
  • Very good job of the game masters, without unnecessary interventions.

In spite of this, it is a decent game. However, we still consider Mad Mansion one of the top companies and we will surely play possible new games of their “Classic” line.