Colors by Experiencity (Madrid)

  • Time: 70 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-7 players
  • Theme: Espionage
  • Difficulty: Very Hard
  • Recommendation: Highly Recommendable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: March 2020 (3 players)

Excellent green dye!

Similarly as in the 1.0 version, after many years serving the population and investigating the dark interests of governments and corporations, The Hacker is in danger. The security forces have located his hideout and are heading there. And, similarly as in the 1.0 version, you’ll have to help him. In the 1.0 version, the plot ends here. But not this time.

The room barely presents changes in decoration and atmosphere (already decent), but it does exhibit a noticeable improvement as for the game in general. The puzzles make more sense and are well integrated in the global development of the game, which incorporates some new details contributing very positively to the immersion and dynamism. Some riddles are recognizable from the previous version, but most of them are new. As they affirm in their social networks, the game is 90% re-playable, and we add: in a well improved version.

As for the game master who greatly contributed to our disastrous experience in the previous game, we didn’t see him around and didn’t hear that he is still working in the escape room. This time, our game master did a great job during the game and was very nice when we saw him after we played (since we didn’t see him at the beginning: direct intro, thanks for it!), explaining to us several curiosities about the game.

Two difficulty levels are available: medium and high. As for the highest one, the game is as hard as the previous one, but much more manageable. Not well integrated parts that, in the 1.0 version, only contributed to confusion have been removed. Thus it’s still a challenge but without generating frustration on the way. The medium difficulty level changes some puzzles, but doesn’t remove parts of the game.

The green dye of Experiencity definitely looks nice on The Hacker. We celebrate it and highly recommend the game.