Horror Box (Barcelona)

  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-6 players
  • Theme: Horror
  • Fear level: Bring a diaper
  • Difficulty: Medium/Hard
  • Recommendation: Unmissable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: June 2018 (3 players)

A frighteningly perfect game

The ouija, from the French “oui” (yes) and the German “ja” (yes), is a board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0–9 and the words “yes”, “no” and “goodbye”, used to make contact with the spirits.

This frightening element inspires a horror escape room caring every detail: an amazing introduction, an excellent immersion, an exquisite atmosphere, perfectly integrated puzzles… and a way to tell the story during the game worth of congratulations. It is difficult to find any mistake. An unmissable escape room.